1976-10-28 - Henderson Home News

Material Information

1976-10-28 - Henderson Home News
Zenoff, Morry ( Columnist )
Bowler, Joe ( Columnist )
Glassburn, Bob ( Columnist )
Stafford, Mary ( Columnist )
Bennett, L. Jessie ( Columnist )
Deardoff, Edna ( Columnist )
Prime, Mark ( Columnist )
Phillips, Viv ( Columnist )
Phillips, Bill ( Columnist )
Eckley, Jean ( Columnist )
Sadovich, Maryellen Vallier ( Columnist )
Huggins, Bob ( Columnist )
Newton, Ernest L. ( Columnist )
Trollope-Cagle, Vivian ( Columnist )
Putz, Carrye ( Columnist )
Fitzpatrick, Mark ( Columnist )
Loughram, Mary ( Columnist )
Russell, Jackie ( Columnist )
Risher, Carla ( Columnist )
Magruder, Melanie ( Columnist )
Wheeler, Ray ( Columnist )
Jones, Shelli ( Columnist )
Walters, Robert ( Columnist )
Prime, Cindy ( Photographer )
Zenoff, Morry M.
Creation Date:
Paper ( medium )


Greenspun Media sponsors this collection.
Collection Location:
Greenspun Media retains possession of the bound, original newspapers. Henderson District Public Libraries retains possession of the microfilm and the digital files.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Henderson District Public Libraries
Holding Location:
Henderson District Public Libraries
Rights Management:
The items in this collection are provided for non-commercial personal and academic use by Henderson Library patrons and may not be republished in any way. Contact Greenspun Media Group for additional information regarding rights to this material: http://www.greenspunmedia.com
Resource Identifier:
hhn2512 ( Digital Id )