Invitation to hear President John F. Kennedy speak at the Las Vegas Convention Center, September 28, 1963

Material Information

Invitation to hear President John F. Kennedy speak at the Las Vegas Convention Center, September 28, 1963
Creation Date:
Publication Date:
Paper ( medium )


Card stock paper invitation or admission ticket to attend President John F. Kennedy's speech at the Las Vegas Convention Center on Saturday, September 28, 1963. Printed by Bonanza Printers, the card requests the attendee to be seated in the Convention Center no later than 12:30 P.M. and advertises that Senators Howard W. Cannon and Alan Bible will also attend. The card is printed only on one side.
Henderson District Public Libraries thanks Rick Watson of Henderson, Nevada, for sharing his personal invitation to Kennedy's speech at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Henderson District Public Libraries
Holding Location:
Henderson District Public Libraries
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Resources such as digital images, digital audio and video, and electronic texts are made available by Henderson District Public Libraries for use in research, instruction or private study only. These materials can never be used for commercial purposes without explicit, prior written permission from the copyright owner. Many items offered by Henderson District Public Libraries may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Some items may have restrictions imposed by the copyright holder or the repository owning the physical items. The holding repositories have made best efforts to identify the copyright status for online items. This information is offered as a service to the general public in determining the proper use of an item and is found in collection finding aids and/or upon inquiry to the holding repository. However, it is always the user's responsibility to determine copyright restrictions and obtain the permission of the copyright holder.
Resource Identifier:
hem0022 ( Digital Id )